Learning Instructional Practices
LIPs are meant to provide you with resources, ideas, and other ways to help you become a more effective LA.
Spring 2025 Learning Assistant Office Hours
Coming Soon…..
LIPs are meant to provide you with resources, ideas, and other ways to help you become a more effective LA.
These articles are centered around how faculty can better utilize Learning Assistant’s in their classes.
Being an LA this semester and every semester has been an honor and also an awesome learning experience as well. It opened up the doors to get to know and establish a great relationship with some great educated people along the way.
I also wanted to thank you both for your help this semester, your positive emails and messages have sometimes been the highlight of my day.
I couldn’t have done the switch to virtual labs without my brilliant LAs.
LAs are a presence in the learning process who are there for the students and the students know that.
My LAs transformed me, my classroom, and the way I teach.
I hope we established a learning community where you feel comfortable and supported. There will be times you might feel exhausted, imposter, and stressed, but from what I observed, you are going to continue to grow as students, as mentors, and as an educator. You might not realize it initially, but you are changing the lives of so many students. LAs rock!
Please apply through the Learning Assistant Alliance website.
LA Requirements: LAs will be paid up to 10 hours a week per LA course. These hours are to minimally include:
If you would like to apply to be an LA submit an application through the Learning Assistant Alliance website.
Please view the Student Employee site
HR will be hosting required new student-employee orientations, during which student employees will complete all necessary documentation.
For dates: http://h1rj.leela-thaimassage.com/student-employment/
You will apply in Workday as well to begin the onboarding process:
All new LAs are required to attend all of the training sessions – they are vital to your growth as a group facilitator and LA.
Friday, August 30, 9:30 – 11:00
Friday, September 13, 9:30 – 11:00
Friday, September 27, 9:30 – 11:00
Friday, October 11, 9:30 – 11:00
Friday, October 25, 9:30 – 11:00
Learning Assistant (LAA) Program Policies
Metropolitan State University Denver and Community College of Denver
After a professor is awarded LAs, and selects you as a great fit, you become part of an instructional team, and a much larger community. Locally, you are supported by this instructional team. If you are a new LA, you are also supported by other LAs in your pedagogy course section, LA mentors, and Returning LAs. The International Learning Assistant Alliance consists of over 500 institutions across 21 countries, so you are connected to an international network. There are many models for how LAs are used in lecture, lab, recitation, help room, work group, office hours, etc., and through this diverse community, we continue to learn new and better ways for instructional teams to work together to support student learning.
In LA-supported courses, LAs facilitate group discussions and encourage interaction and collaboration among students. LAs apply pedagogical principles and are able to connect with students. By sharing their ideas and having their thinking challenged, students develop a deeper understanding of the content. The LA program improves undergraduate education. Research shows that LA-supported courses have better learning outcomes than comparison classes and have better retention in those classes, especially for students traditionally under- served by STEM disciplines (Pollock, 2009; Otero, 2015; Alzen, Langdon, Otero, 2018; Van Dusen & Nissen, 2020).
There are three essential aspects to the LA Experience for which LAs receive a fellowship:
LA-Student Interactions (LA Practice): LAs are expected to treat all students with kindness and respect, and promote a safe, inclusive, learning environment. You will lead and facilitate discussions of small groups of students, requiring you to identify students’ ideas through listening and/or observing their written work, use good questioning skills, and work to involve all students in meaningful group work.
Expectations of LAs:
LAs attend all sections and meeting times assigned to them. If unable to attend a class time (in person), due to health or other emergencies, you should contact your Lead Faculty.
LAs respond to all contact from Lead Faculty and Program Coordinators within 24 hours. Prompt and professional communication is essential for your success in this fellowship.
LAs usually spend at least 30 minutes/week individually preparing for their student interactions.
LAs are expected to follow and enforce all campus policies related to health and safety.
Weekly Preparation Meetings with Lead Faculty: You and your fellow LAs will meet with a department faculty member (usually the Lead Instructor) to prepare for the upcoming week, reflect on the previous week, and sometimes analyze assessment data from previous terms.
These meetings should occur at least weekly for at least 30 minutes, but more typically 60-90 minutes.
LA Pedagogy Course (New LAs only): This is a required 1 credit hour course you must take during your first semester of being a Learning Assistant. You also must attend a two-day Learning Assistant training offered at the beginning of each semester. You will learn and practice evidence-based techniques for supporting and enhancing student learning, in a community designed to support you in your LA-student interactions.
The LA Pedagogy Course cannot be taken Pass/Fail.
OVERALL, LAs should expect to spend 8 – 10 hours/week (on average) on all paid LA fellowship responsibilities, including weekly preparation meetings, individual content preparation, and LA-Student Interactions.
LAA reports that LAs learn the content better, become better learners, and develop leadership skills. They also have the unique opportunity to develop close relationships with like minded students and with instructors at their institution. Most LAs put their LA experience on their résumés, since it points to their abilities to teach, to manage, to lead, and to learn. Most LAs report that they learn much from the LA experience, especially by tying their evolving understanding to particular principles addressed in the pedagogy course. During the Spring 2020 transition to remote learning, LAs surveyed reported a high sense of belonging, and LA Program communities, and increased motivation due to their work as LAs, which translated to their roles as students, as well.
Alzen, J. Langdon, L., & Otero, V. (2018). A logistic investigation of the relationship between the learning assistant model and failure rates in introductory STEM courses, International Journal of STEM Education, 5 (56), http://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-018-0152-1.
Gray, K., Webb, D., & Otero, V. (2016). Effects of the Learning Assistant Model on Teacher Practice, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 12, 020126.
Otero, V. (2015). Nationally scaled model for leveraging course transformation with physics teacher preparation, To be published in Effective Practices in Preservice Physics Teacher Education: Recruitment, Retention, and Preparation, edited by E. Brewe and C. Sandifer.
Pollock, S. (2009). Longitudinal study of student conceptual understanding in electricity and magnetism, PhysRev: Phys Ed. Rsrch 5, 020110, 1-8.
Van Dusen, B. and Nissen, J. (2020). Associations between learning assistants, passing introductory physics, and equity: A quantitative critical race theory investigation, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 16, 010117 – Published 9 April 2020
Publish Date: March 31, 2022
Our program follows the LA Model developed at CU Boulder. We are a member of the LA International Alliance.
As a member of the LA Alliance, you have access to the following resources:
The faculty course proposal has five (5) sections that must be completed in order for the proposal to be submitted. Upon clicking the Submit to Dept/Submit to Program button, a validation check is carried out.
of MSU Denver LA Program
LA Program Manager:
Office Location: Science 1063
Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Campus Box 24, P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362